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; Subroutine handling Super Sonic specific actions
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; ||||||||||||||| S U B	R O U T	I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

		tst.b	(Super_Sonic_flag).w	; is Sonic super?
		beq.s	Sonic_SuperEnd			; if not, finish the routine
		subq.b	#1,(Super_Sonic_ringdrain_timer).w	; substract one from the timer
		bpl.s	Sonic_SuperEnd			; if it didn't reached -1, don't take away a ring
		move.b	#59,(Super_Sonic_ringdrain_timer).w	; reset the timer for another second
		ori.b	#1,($FFFFFE1D).w	; update the ring counter on next frame
		cmpi.w	#1,($FFFFFE20).w	; do you have exactly 1 ring (would be 0 on next frame)?
		beq.s	@resethud			; if yes, the counter needs resetting
		cmpi.w	#10,($FFFFFE20).w	; do you have exactly 10 rings (would be 9 on next frame)?
		beq.s	@resethud			; if yes, the counter needs resetting
		cmpi.w	#100,($FFFFFE20).w	; do you have exactly 100 rings (would be 99 on next frame)?
		bne.s	@updatehud			; if no, proceed as usual

@resethud:		; hud needs resetting
		ori.b	#$80,($FFFFFE1D).w	; update clear unused digits on the next frame

@updatehud:		; hud needs to be updated
		subq.w	#1,($FFFFFE20).w	; substract one ring
		bne.s	Sonic_SuperEnd		; if Sonic still has any, don't revert

Sonic_Super_RevertToNormal:		; returning to normal form
		; palette cycle will go here
		clr.b	(Super_Sonic_flag).w		; clear the flag, as we no longer are Super Sonic
		move.w	#1,$32(a0)					; set the invincibility timer to #1, so it'll remove invincibility related stuff and restore the music at the next frame
		bsr.w	Sonic_SetSpeedValues		; apply new speed values
		rts			; finish the routine
; End of routine Sonic_Super